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“The middle of the world”

This artwork was commissioned by the Swiss tourist office of the north Vaudois region in Switzerland. It is installed inside the motorway restaurant ” Bavois-autogrill” in 2004. It was out of service for some years until the new management asked me to bring it back to life again. The story about this machine was to show and explain …  “THE MIDDLE OF THE WORLD” Close by, there is a house on which the roof has two gutters. When it rains  the gutters on one side drains the water to the RHÔNE river and on the other side it drains to the RHINE.!!!  This is an interactive sculpture where the visitor can press a button to start up the cycle . It keeps the kids entertained while they are  waiting for their fast food order 😉

Dimensions 5 by 2 meters.

By Charles Morgan

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